Tuesday, December 13, 2011

"All they do is give awards in this town...Best Fascist Dictator: Adolf Hitler."

Just got finished submitting my Top Ten Albums of the Year list to the Magazine Formerly Known as Stereo Review, along with the rest of the reviewers on the masthead. The issue with the results won't be out till next year, but here's a hint at what album made the top of my list.

Well, it's more than a hint, obviously. And also not much of a surprise...


Kid Charlemagne said...


I've been spinning this continuously since its been out!

Anonymous said...

Mmm. Mighty good.

A few people have complained that the album has a few too many "Whoah-oh-oh"s in it, but that's fine by me. I'm a huge fan of "Whoah-oh-oh"s –– especially when Fountains Of Wayne sing them.

And I don't even mind that in "Richie & Ruben" they borrowed a bit of Ringo Starr's "Photograph". (Self-promotion alert...) I posted about that particular coincidence on my blog.

steve simels said...

I think that's not a coincidence so much as a very canny lift -- okay, homage if you must -- by two very canny songwriters with a big love jones for the Beatles.

Anonymous said...

I reckon that was coincidental (probably an unconscious bit of theft on their part -- musical kleptomania, if you will), because as far as I'm aware they've never borrowed other people's tunes for their songs. Possibly.

(Current listening: Atlantic Rhythm And Blues 1947-1974 –– 8 CDs, 10 hours. I'm only up to the second CD, but what a treasure trove! I thought it would be just a pleasant listen, but it's causing me nod my head and tap my feet constantly. It's very distracting.)