Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Apples Falling Close to Trees

From 1968, please enjoy Los Angeles heavy rock popsters People! and the album version of their cover of The Zombies' great "I Love You."

Sans all that sub-Vanilla Fudge crap at the beginning, an AM-radio-friendly edit of the above was a major hit back in the day, and deservedly so.

More importantly, the guy in the photo second from the right on the top row -- the keyboard player of the band -- is the dad of a terrific movie actor who, amongst his other credits, played a drummer in the best rock-and-roll/power pop movie of the '90s.

A coveted PowerPop No-Prize will be awarded to the first reader who guesses said actor's identity without Googling.


buzzbabyjesus said...

I Googled, so I can't say anything, except pretty cool tune.

steve simels said...

The Zombies version is better, but yeah -- this is still a cool record.

Anonymous said...

Great cover.

Father of "Shades," in "That Thing You Do"?

JimmyNicol said...

Father of Tom Everett Scott, drummer in Tom Hanks' That Thing You Do?

Drummer for the Oneders?

Guest star crazy brother of some recurring character on ER?

buzzbabyjesus said...

Uh-Oh,he's a Scientologist and just became uninteresting.

steve simels said...

Giovanni Ribisi.

Played the original drummer who breaks his arm in THAT THING YOU DO, which is how the Tom Everett Scott character gets the gig.

Voxtron said...

I'm a big Zombies fan, but the People made this song 72% better at least. I think the extended intro is cool too.

side3 said...

The blonde guy is Larry Norman, who was of the first wave of the Jesus Rock movement. I believe he sang "I Love you".