Friday, September 07, 2012

World Famous in Delaware!!!

No, not Joe Biden.

Instead, from 1966, please enjoy the indisputable kings of the Wilmington rock scene The Enfields and their quite jangly and winsomely minor key local hit "In the Eyes of the World."

This is one of those songs that, apparently, is sort of a household word amongst Nuggets-era garage rock aficionados, and at the risk of blowing what little credibility I might retain, I must confess I hadn't heard it until yesterday.

That said, it's a terrific piece of work, and quite worthy of The Zombies and The Searchers, the Brit Invasion bands that obviously influenced it.


steve simels said...

Note to self: obscure sixties garage....

Ah he'll, I'm too tired.


Anonymous said...

There's a reason it wasn't much of a hit! Just not all that interesting.


Haik Mendelovich said...

Wow, never heard these guys before.

Not a lot of info out there on the googletube about the band.

I wonder if they named themselves after the British rifle maker (Lee-) Enfield?

buzzbabyjesus said...

That song is a drag and a bummer.

Anonymous said...

No, this is the one that's a garage classic

Anonymous said...

Hey, Anonymous: that Enfields track you suggested ("She Already Has Somebody") instantly reminded me of The Youngbloods' "Get Together". Thanks for inadvertently reminding me of "Get Together".

Anonymous said...

Hey, Steve: Although your post of "In The Eyes Of The World" may not have elicited the kind of responses you may have hoped for (such as "Great song!" or "Wow, I can't believe I'd never this treasure before!" etc.), it did at least prompt a Musical coincidence on my blog. Much obliged my good man.