Friday, January 21, 2005

More on the: Worst. Concert. Ever.

Wow. Only half-full. Even Jenna and Not Jenna didn't want to be there.

And at least one teen described Bush as "hot". I weep for the future.
Concertgoers Meghan Lowry and Abbee Thevenot, both 16 and from New Orleans, paid $2,000 to come to Washington for a week to learn about government and politics. Both supported Mr. Bush.

"I agree with most of his views. I think he's a good leader," Meghan said.

Abbee liked the president for a different reason though.

"He's hot," she said.

The two girls stood in front of a long catwalk that extended from the massive main stage, where, between acts, large video screens flashed quotes about community service from Abraham Lincoln, Anne Frank, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and former first lady Barbara Bush.

Some guy from Fuel did say "fuck" but apparently apologized right away. TBogg's good on this.

It's enough to make a girl long to see public oral sex at an AC/DC concert, an image our buddy Backslider has indelibly planted into the public imagination.

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