Thursday, January 27, 2005

True Confessions: The Donnas

I like The Donnas. That's all I'm going to say.

I just read a whole thread over at about how they're not as good as Husker Du. And how many guys there want to fuck them. And how they suck. And there are no good girl bands. And... ah, crap. *Sigh* I know I piss people off with my argument about misogyny, but I'm not wrong. I just wish there were *less* evidence for me.

The Donnas have crossed the punk/pop line, I think. Sounds like they live in our neighborhood now. And anyone who puts PJ Soles in a video (answering the question of Local H before they asked it) is OK by me.


  1. Dang, I thought I was the only one. I really like Who Invited You, and ESPN just started airing X Games (feh) promos with Fall Behind Me, which I also like. Everyone I know seems to think they suck, and I'm just not sure why...

    Whose turn is it to send mp3mail? I have a suspicion that Outlook Express has been eating some of them - it meows, but no message appears...

  2. Oh, and while looking for pictures of them to, um, research one of your points, I inadvertently discovered what must truly be The Greatest 404 Error Page Of All Time.

  3. I'm with you. The Donnas Rock Hard! their vocals are weak and too reminiscent of girlbands of the past, but instrumentally they are Da Bomb! If I could strip out the vocals and just get the music I would be mighty pleased and I'm sure knock the sox off some friends who won't even listen to them because they aren't Metallica in Dresses.

    Pseudolus the first

  4. Are there other forums/blogs that are more specific for this topic? I have not found one.
