Monday, May 23, 2005

I'm Going to Start Taking This Shit Personally...

via Rox Populi:
Ladies and Gentlemen ...The Pope:

... Rock music seeks release through liberation from the personality and its responsibility ... [it is] among the anarchic ideas of freedom which today [1985] predominate more openly in the West than in the East. But that is precisely why rock music is so completely antithetical to the Christian concept of redemption and freedom, indeed its exact opposite. Hence music of this type must be excluded from the Church on principle, and not merely for aesthetic reasons, or because of restorative crankiness or historical inflexibility.



  1. This sort of attitude is reason #462 why I don't go to mass anymore...

  2. Boo! Hiss! Down with freedom! Freedom bad!

    So the "anarchic ideas of freedom" are completely opposite from the Christian ones? Why, because they're actually *free*???

  3. Or, rather, "free-based"...

  4. the church has always taught if it feels good, DON'T DO IT!

    --her eyes

  5. Long live Anarchy! Hooray! Hooray! :)
