Sunday, September 04, 2005

A tragedy.

I wasn't really planning on getting back to the site until after EschaCon--the beginning of the semester and the Con and worry about the poor of the Gulf Coast and just general stress sucking up all my time.

But sometimes tragedy even touches the most frivolous of blogs, as this undoubtedly is. Among the missing in Hurricane Katrina: power pop grandad Alex Chilton.

It's impossible to get your head around the concept of so much death, so much suffering. To know that not all, but at least some of it was avoidable. But this personalizes it, makes it tangible. And to the ache of lost opportunity, the much awaited Big Star reunion album, Big Star in Space, was due to be released in three short weeks.

UPDATE, 10:30 pm.
Via Omnes Omnibus @ Eschaton:
NY Mary,

I just saw this at's missing persons message board

14529. he's ok
by LisaMcG, 9/4/05 15:25 ET
Re: ALEX CHILTON? by herwheels, 9/4/05
He's apparently fine, we just learned from his French Record label who phoned Molly's that he was seen to be ok by the owner of a bar in the French Quarter, so we can all stop worrying about him now.
Omnes Omnibus | 09.04.05 - 10:34 pm | #

Simels is going to be so relieved, as am I. Wonder if the tour is still on?

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