Monday, March 20, 2006

Happy St. Patrick's Day Redux!

So after all the agita, Sean Patrick arrived on St. Patrick's Day like a speed-metal show: fast, uncomfortable, a bit comic, leaving us both kinda dazed.

Pics to come, as soon as I figure out what Thers did with the freaking camera cable.


  1. I think Thers said that Rosie ate the cable.

    Hope your back feels better soon, NYMary.

  2. Sorry it was rough but it's really great hearing you and baby are well and home from hospital.

    Eventually the cord will be found and there will be pictures!!

    re Eschaton comment (I got distracted away from that thread with my eldest son's phone call reporting in from where he and his sister are stranded mid-blizzard in S Dakota) yes that was a for real email I got, equating Cindy Sheehan's loss of her son in a senseless slaughter to Jesus' death.

    Such is the world, this March 2006. Anne Lamott in total frustration over Bush and Iraq wrote that we should still go on planting flower bulbs and working for peace. Having a sweet newborn boy this early spring is much the same, I think. Congratulations and every best wish for you all.

  3. 1:01 was me, forgot to sign the congrats


  4. Glad you're home :) and looking forward to the pics. I'm going to call you, but I'm thinking that I'll come on Friday. Dad's thinking the same, only he'll go to the hotel as per usual.

    Hope the back's ok and that you're having fun with Sean and G'ma!

  5. Congratulations! Looking forward to photos. :)


  6. Congratulations Mary!

    Love the name : )

  7. Been thinking about your Rosie being not so sure about the new arrival and remembering my Christina not liking the new baby of ours at first. I don't remember this lasting very long, though of course as siblings sharing a room they had their differences sometimes. Here it is all these years later--Christina is out of the country (Senegal) for a semester and her little sister, who chose to go to the same college here in the US, was going to be left behind, so Christina, a junior, thoughtfully arranged one of her more sensible friends to be Emily's "big sister" substitute while she's away. Love runs deep, though children are just more open and honest about things having changed and not sure they like it right away. Wishing all your family your much-needed rest & much joy,

  8. Welcome home, NYMary! Thers must have had the cable at some point, since he has managed to post a picture of young Sean Patrick. You beat Victory (female peregrine falcon in Columbus) by something like 3 days, contrary to my expectations. Though she's up to 2 eggs now, and will likely be laying a couple more.

