Thursday, March 02, 2006

Just Because Babyblogging

The divine watertiger, the snarkiest chick on the internets, took this when she visited last weekend. It's beyond cute, if I do say so myself.

auntie watertiger makes me smile! Posted by Picasa


  1. There's a smily girl!!!

    Is it the pic, or are her eyes turning green?

  2. Her eyes are indeed pretty green. The boy's are hazel, even tending toward brown sometimes, but Rosie's seem pretty solidly green at this point.

  3. Lucky girl to have an auntie like watertiger.

    BTW, I sent your hummer post to my daughters, and they were quite gleeful. The claws come out whenever we see one of those on the road.

  4. *Her eyes are indeed pretty green. The boy's are hazel, even tending toward brown sometimes, but Rosie's seem pretty solidly green at this point.*

    that is very cool... :)
