Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Babyblogging: Partay!

Thers has been working on a big project, which means that I've had lots of "quality time" with the offspring lately. A photo record (and working on youtubing Rosie's dancing, which is truly hysterical) follows.

Root beer! Man, she's getting grown-up looking.

I like seven, don't get me wrong. But I'll be happy when climbing the furniture isn't his first goal.

We're thinking of getting him a drool bucket, a la Miles Copperthwaite.


  1. I prefer the term "spitoon."

    My god, Rosie is really looking like a little person, isn't she?!

  2. They're all getting so big!! Can't wait to see everyone next week! :)

  3. I guess it's a good thing that Seamus is drinking Lite beer instead of regular beer.
