Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Just do it.

The Trolleyvoxx
, via Atrios

Just one of the ":Have You Had Enough" commercials, this one from Minnesota. That's the Maxwell-Mosher band there, former members of the Squirrel Nut Zippers. They hung out with a giddy-as-a-schoolgirl TRex the other night.

I haven't actually had the stomach to watch this video for two years and five days, exactly.And this morning I wanted to. Huh. Where did I leave my hoodie?

Scout reminds us of another reason today is important.

And a classic for the kidz. Let's show him some Tough Love: children need boundaries.

(Improbably, The Move's "Vote for Me" does not have a Youtube presence. But I looked!)

1 comment:

  1. "Mosh" actually popped up on my iPod as I made my way to work on Tuesday.
