Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Went to check our Emerson's assertion in the comments a few posts ago, and here's the news:
Partridge says, "At the moment, XTC is well and truly in the fridge. Purely, really, for the reason that [partner] Colin [Moulding] doesn't want to write anymore. He's either taking a break, or that break could become permanently in place. He told me some months back that he's not interested in music anymore, and doesn't want to write, and basically said, 'Our paths will cross again or they'll be involved in some way.' And then he proceeded to move away from his house-- I have no idea where he's living right now, I have no idea what his phone number is, don't really know how to contact him, and so Colin is obviously wanting to leave the world to some extent. And I guess he's got the right to do that, so I'm not going to pester him and say, 'Come on, what's the matter with you, get it together.' Emphasis added.

That's from less than a weeks ago, so it's pretty current. Thanks for the heads-up, Emerson!

The nine-disc Fuzzy Warbles box set is out and available here.

There's also a podcast here.

I am quite blue about this, I admit.