Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Groove Goes On Forever

Further proof that YouTube is the greatest thing to happen in the entire history of human endeavor:

Video footage of power pop gods the Flamin Groovies. Here's what may or may not be a lip-synch job (from 1972) of "Slow Death" -- covered by countless alt-rockers since -- and a genuine live version of "Roll Over Beethoven" (a la the Beatles version, also from '72). Both just drip cool and fun.

I actually got to see these guys in a slightly later incarnation, circa '77, when they were trying a little too hard to be the world's greatest 60s pop/rock cover band. (Which they actually were, but not quite what I'd expected) Here, however, we glimpse them in their look-at-us-we're-the-rock-stars-of-your-dreams phase, and they're damn near irresistible.

And here's all the Groovies you'll ever really need on one well-chosen best-of CD.

Update: On sober reflection that "all the Groovies you'll ever really need" crack was overstated. Their "Teenage Head" -- especially in this remastered/expanded version -- is a classic that belongs in every collection. And their 1968 "Supersnazz" (effectively, the first genuine indie-rock album) is also a lot of fun.

I regret the error.

Incidentally, there are people who consider "Teenage Head" to be superior to its better known contemporary, the Stones "Sticky Fingers," to which it bears a passing resemblance. I myself am not one of them.


  1. "Shake Some Action" is one of my all-time faves. Produced by Dave Edmunds!

    Maybe their greatest non-cover moment...

  2. Ah, the Groovies.

    I've got the Flamingo and Shake Some Action albums on vinyl.

    While I love the feel or vibe to the tune Shake Some Action, I really like the Flamingo balls out rocking.

    Great schtuff.

  3. A little OT, but I just rec'd the digitally remastered British import cd from Thin Lizzy - "Fighting".

    The best Lizzy, IMHO.

    Brian Robertson is one baaaad axeman. The boy romps on the wah.

    Gorham ain't chopped liver, either.

    One of the top twin axe tandems in rock and roll.
