Sunday, March 25, 2007

Very Loud Noises

Oh. My. God.

For over twenty years, I've been dreaming of a live album by the Sonics without ever knowing that such a thing might in fact exist.

And now it does. God bless you, Norton Records.


  1. Wonder what the sound quality will be like? Were they "live" in the radio studio or remote from the local roller rink?

  2. Dave -- I'm not sure, but I'll check on it.

    I think -- not a hundred percent sure -- that these are remotes.

  3. I think -- not a hundred percent sure -- that these are remotes.

    There are benefits and drawbacks to both.

    "Studio" live would be cleaner.

    "Remote" live would give the ambience of the local used car lot or supermarket opening, which would be cool.

  4. i got the sonics live in tacoma on norton. not sure if its the same one mentioned ehre. its ok if you think of it as an instrumental live record seeing as the vocals (on the songs that have vocals) are almost completely inaudible. it IS a live concert but i think the only person mic'd was the radio announcer. i still play it on my radio show because #1 its the sonics live and #2 i like to play tracks that have the added cache of having an announcer introduce songs. gives the songs an added oomph!
