Friday, April 27, 2007

Babyblogging: The Triumphant Return

I finally decided to just order a new cable for the camera, so we're back in business!

Pensive Teen.

Nice path!

Her Highness.

Hey! We're walking!

The Boy.


  1. The kids look great!!! And that's one hell of a path you have there :)

    Is The Teen now pierced, or is she wearing striped lipstick?

  2. cherubs all

  3. Oh dear. Those children are way too cute.

    You guys are going to have to lock Rosie up when she gets old enough to date.

    And is that a spider jacket the teen is wearing? Excellent.

  4. They're measurably BIGGER! Glad you ordered a new cable. Desolation was setting in and I needed new pics to overcome it.

    I envy you your lovely, expansive countryside. (This from cramped over-densified West Los Angeles).
