Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Wednesday Glam Blogging

Yes folks -- from 1972, here's a video of irrepressible sharp dressed men Slade performing their tender love madrigal "Mama Weer All Crazee Now".

Back in the day nobody quite got the connection, but Slade's best stuff is so power pop it's not even funny. Monstrous riffs, catchy tunes, big guitars...let's face it, if they were just a tad less raunchy they'd be Badfinger.

Incidentally, the group's one and only feature film, 1974's Slade in Flame has just been released on DVD. It never played theatrically in the US (although superstars in the rest of the English-speaking world, Slade were never more than fanzine faves in the States). But by all accounts, it's an extremely dark and cynical look at the inner workings of the music biz, and most Brit critics think it's the best dramatic rock flick ever.

1 comment:

  1. I was the only guy in probably a 60-mile radius to actually own a Slade elpee back when I was in high school.

    Them guys is great! Wish they could have lip-synced a little more believably, thoug...
