Friday, April 27, 2007

Weekend Listomania

Well, folks, it's Friday and you know what that means. Yes, it's gonna be non-stop hookers and blow here at Casa Simels. Good times!

Posting by moi will necessarily be a little sporadic, so here's a fun project for you in my absence:

Most Wrist-Slashingly Depressing Songs of All Time!

My totally top of my head Top Three:

1. Richard and Linda Thompson -- "Down Where the Drunkards Roll"

2. Richard and Linda Thompson -- "Has He Got a Friend For Me?"

3. Richard and Linda Thompson -- "The End of the Rainbow"

Hmm. I'm beginning to see a trend here.

Join in, won't you?


  1. If I was a surly high schooler, I would vote for Pink Floyd's "Goodbye, Cruel World".

    Thank God I'm no longer a surly high schooler.

    My vote is for the entire "Frauenliebe und Leben" cycle by Robert Schumann.

  2. I'd have to say it's Matthew Sweet's "Someone to Pull the Trigger" from "Altered Beast" Not only too depressed to live, but not enough courage to do yourself in.


  3. All of Phil Och's last 2 studio albums, Rehearsals for Retirement and Phil Och's Greatest Hits.

  4. The Pogues' version of "Waltzing Matilda"...

  5. What about Tom Waits's version of Waltzing Matilda?

  6. The last thing that made me consider opening up the veins was the Chappaquiddick Skyline album, and the opening track Everyone Else Is Evolving. Any album that opens up with the line "I hate my life" probably should be put away during the more blue moods.

  7. Melancholia from The Who:

    "How Many Friends Have I Really Got?"

    "Bell Boy"

    "Behind Blue Eyes"

    Melancholia from the Beach Boys:

    "Till I Die"

  8. The Smiths- 'I Know It's Over'

  9. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds: Watching Alice.

    And every other song they ever did.

  10. Late to the party (Atrios ordered everybody to go out and play this weekend, and I always obey everything I read on blogs), but I have to mention "I See a Darkness:" either the original by Bonnie Prince Billy, or the cover by Johnny Cash (with Billy moaning in the background). Also, The Handsome Family's My Sister's Tiny Hands (actually, just about anything else by The Handsome Family).

  11. Anything by Leonard Cohen...

  12. To add to you Richard and Linda Thompson depressive list: "Withered and Died"

    And some psychedelic hopelessness for good measure, the Pretty Things "Trust" and "Loneliest Person"
