Saturday, July 21, 2007

Belated Friday Funny

Totalled my car yesterday, so this is a bit late (and oh man, am I sore). But enjoy! It's Business Time!


  1. jeeze.. are you ok? I'm guessing that it's not all bad if it's still Business Time...

    Thanks for the sexy dance :)

  2. First, sorry about the accident, you might want to see a doctor about the soreness.

    Second, man that was funny! I gotta watch the previous one you guys posted now that I know where they are coming from.


  3. Molly Ivors - WTF? Hope you are ok. Also, please remove Steve Simels from this blog at your earliest convenience. Thank you.

  4. kenosha kid:

    How unkind...

  5. I'm okay--slight whiplash is all. But the Liberalmobile is toast.

    An elderly lady pulled a left in front of me in the middle of an intersection. Not my fault at all.

    And deployed airbags smell funny.

  6. That sucks about the car, but I'm glad you're alright. Does this mean Thers is going to spend the next several weeks waiting on you hand and foot and catering to your every whim?

  7. sorry about the accident, glad to hear you're ok

  8. Good grief, I come looking for pictures of the kids and find you've been in an accident!

    Get well soon, and hope the rest of the hassle of getting a new car goes smoothly.

  9. Bummer!!

    Hope you're feeling okay, and that her insurance company pays up quick.
