Thursday, August 16, 2007

FOW Takes On the Stock Market

PowerPop fave Fountains of Wayne answers the musical question "What happens when margin debt as a percentage of the S&P market cap climbs to 2.4%, an all-time high?"

Hat tip to Watertiger!


  1. Nice that they brought the trumpet players in.

  2. Great stuff, as always from those guys. I gotta get me that, when I am not so strapped.


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Not my fave song on this disc, but well executed live. According to my iPod, my most played song is "Valley Winter Song."

  5. Oh, this is good. I missed this when it originally aired..

    Although, I read some interview with Schlesinger that when they were recording with the horns for the album, they all sort of looked at each other and said "Hey -- when did we turn into Chicago?"

  6. Trey:

    I'll burn you a copy if you want....

  7. Just saw these guys twice in one week, at the Virgin Fest in Baltimore and then in San Diego. Love them - great live and really nice guys to boot. Traffic and Weather is on my list - maybe next month after the bills get paid.

  8. Beth McKenzie was probably just a little too high-strung for Seth Shapiro anyways...
