Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Scooter Lives!

I can't tell you how much I detest Jim Steinman and Meat Loaf, but didn't anybody else think it was weird that not a single TV obit of Yankee great Phil Rizzuto -- not even Keith Olberman's -- mentioned Phil's crucial participation in the multi-platinum hit recording "Paradise by the Dashboard Light"?

Get serious, folks. If Phil's immortal, that's why.


  1. I can't tell you how much I detest Jim Steinman and Meat Loaf...

    C'mon... sure you can!

    I was always pissed that Steinman somehow managed to screw Rundgren on that album... wonder if it was Todd the Mod's idea to get Scooter for that in the first place?

  2. As a Yankees fan, I thought it was a blessing...

  3. I don't know about Meatloaf and Steinman, but Karla DeVito is pretty cute!

    How did Rundgren get screwed?? Did he do more arranging on the record than he was given credit for?

  4. I interviewed Karla DeVito once, and she was a doll.

    I think she married that idiot like two days later...what was his name?

    Some TV teen idol. Robbie something...

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. She married Robbie Benson????

    I think I will go kill myself now...

  7. The poster over at Atrios' place that goes by "Gomez" doesn't think Rizzuto belongs in the Hall of Fame.

    Actually he maintained that Cal Ripken didn't belong in the Hall as his batting average was not high enough (lifetime 0.276).

    Rizzuto's was 0.273, so by inference...


  8. You can hear Todd sing backup on the record, especially the "We're gonna go all the way tonight" section. It is a Todd record, which is a good thing in my book.

    What is it about Meatloaf and Steinman that gets your goat?


  9. Taking hubby to the airport this a.m., I heard a 2-3 min. memorial piece on NPR about Rizzuto. And they actually played his vocal part from "Paradise By the Dashboard Light" - so it didn't go totally unnoticed.

    But we heard it here first - you scooped NPR.

  10. Steinman's also responsible for Bonnie Tyler's "Total Eclipse of the Heart", as if no one could tell.

    My theory about Meatloaf is that he's only written one song, and every album is just another verse. That's dedication, my friends!

    I don't know who Phil Rizutto is. ??
