Monday, September 24, 2007

Not the Nirvana Song...

...but possibly the most annoying video in rock history.

And to think Peter Wolf was actually married to Faye Dunaway for a while.


  1. OMG. That was horrible. I found myself wishing that he would get creamed by one of the vintage cars in the video.

    I met PW at the Detroit Airport once. He seemed creepy.

  2. I actually interviewed him a couple of times. Very nice, very funny, very smart guy, and incredibly hyper (which is, I guess, the joke of the video).

    But scarily pale and thin. Boy didn't look healthy....

  3. I thought it was one of the deleted scenes from "Pleasantville."

  4. Oh man, that is embarrassing. I knows The Wolf a little bit - he used to shop in the store that I ran, and pops up onstage with touring acts all the time. (Most notably, Bruce at Fenway...) Nice, approachable guy with a voluminous knowledge of rock n' roll history. Could never get too far behind his solo stuff, tho - although "Sleepless" - the last one - is pretty good.
    - b. Buckner

  5. This video was actually a rip off of a dance/hopping number by Donald O'Connor in the movie "Small Town Girl." I wish I didn't know that.
