Saturday, November 03, 2007

Silly Saturday Song

For Thers, who longed tragically for me to post this particular piece, the haunting "Vicki,: from the Richard Kiel classic, Eegah. There's some excellent textual exegesis in this clip as well.

"But I don't want to look like Arch Hall, Jr!"


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Arch Hall Jr. looks like Kurt Russell's older mongoloid brother.

    There is something about that song that makes me very uneasy. It has a David Lynch-like creepy vibe lurking underneath all that wholesomeness.

  3. I don't even know where to begin...

  4. I saw a guy who looked just like Arch Hall once. We were over at the jock dorm to buy some acid.
    We walked past one room and saw Arch's doppleganger through the open door. He was standing naked on a pile of mattresses that he'd heaped up to get his face closer to the lightbulb on the ceiling, at which he was staring while waving his arms frantically.
    We didn't buy none of that acid.

  5. Not to be pedantic BUT...

    "Vicki" is actually originally from Arch's movie, Wild Guitar, from the previous year, where he actually sings it to a character named, yes, Vicki! So it makes a tiny bit more sense in that context.

    Wild Guitar is a great great movie, by the way, directed by Ray Dennis Steckler, of Mixed Up Zombie fame, who also costars; everyone should seek it out and watch it obsessively.
