Thursday, December 27, 2007

An Early Clue to the New Direction

From the Letterman Show (not sure exactly when), here's Elvis Costello and the divine Emmylous Harris with a lovely version of the Everly Brothers' oft-covered 1960 classic "Love Hurts."

A coveted PowerPop No-Prize will be awarded to the reader who first divines the clip's relevance to the theme of tomorrow's Listomania.


  1. Ummm, I dunno, famous pop stars who have broken your heart?

    (I never wins nuthin and nao U no Y)

  2. Best break-up songs?

    Or best rock-country duet pairing?

  3. Best country crossover renditions -

    Best male-female duets?

    and why was the Nazareth concert I attended still the #1 worst on my list of bad concerts?

  4. Aw, brain hurts. I'll just say favorite remake and leave it at that.

  5. No, no, and no. And no. (Sorry, I lost count).

    And racymind -- I feel your pain. Although you don't look old enough to have actually attended a Nazareth concert....

  6. Best British/American pairing?

  7. Nazareth toured sometime in the early 80's. I have no clue if it was the original group0 or if the first drummer exploded.

    I just surfed one post down to realize you posted a clue earlier today. Otherwise I would have made different guesses...which I will make in a moment.

  8. danny1959 said...
    Best British/American pairing?

    Very clever, and I may steal that for the future.

    But no....

  9. [putting on glasses] oh wait you said "1960 classic"...nevermind.

  10. Rock & Roll cover version of a country song?

  11. PS: Isn't Emmylou just about the most beautiful woman on the planet!!!

  12. ROTP:

    No, and yes.

    I have to admit this one's tough...

    let me think of a fair hint.

    Okay, it's definitely about cover versions. Big help, huh?

    Darn -- can't think of a clue that won't give it away.

  13. Until you said the cover versions hint I thought it was about RCA Studio B in Nashville- most of these people recorded there.

  14. PS: Isn't Emmylou just about the most beautiful woman on the planet!!!

    Yes, with the most beautiful voice. Angels pass out when they hear her sing.

  15.'s the only clue I can think of...

    In the not too distant future...

  16. Not that you know me personally, but I think this has to do with the cover band that dedicated a song to me and my finance at the time. The song, "Your Cheatin' Heart". Yes, we are still married.

  17. With apologies to Sigmond, fiance, not finance-- though the two do seem to be somewhat related.
