Monday, December 03, 2007

Oh, For Crying Out Loud

Guess who penned the following opening sentence without (to our knowledge) subsequently dying of shame?

The Houston hip-hop pioneer Scarface was once known for his bloodcurdling voice and for his vivid lyrics, which were even bloodcurdlinger [emphasis mine].

Yup, it's extremely irksome NY Times music writer Kelefa Sanneh embarassing himself and the paper yet again today with an album review that for obvious reasons I don't plan on reading the rest of.

Apparently, the poor SOB just can't help himself, although I can't imagine what his editor's excuse is.


  1. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!! Huh??? Wha?? Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

  2. Hey, I used the word "mexicany" over at my blog.

  3. Of all the Simelses in the world, Simels is the Simelsiest.
