Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Present Day Sixties Soul Chick Refuses to Die

Well, this isn't a big surprise, but it seems that in the wake of troubled pop diva my fiancee Amy Winehouse the Brit music industry has coughed up another really good ultra-retro white girl soul singer.

Ladies and germs, we give you Duffy and her quite gorgeous "Rockferry."

I know next to nothing about this woman (aside from the fact that she's Welsh) but from the evidence of this clip somebody seems to be marketing her as a sort of Dusty Springfield/Lulu good girl alternative to Winehouse's Ronnie Spector bad girl. On the other hand, maybe she already has a substance abuse problem and a husband in the slammer.

In any case, this is a really good record -- it sounds like nothing so much as Dusty/Lulu backed by the Rolling Stones in 1965.

[h/t John McPartlin]


  1. She ain't no Amy Whinehorse. I can hear all the influences you mention but Duffy's singing doesn't grab me.

    Return of the Plumber
