Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Uptown Top Ranking

We're number 43!!!!!!!

Via e-mail, yesterday:

Hello steve simels,

Wikio, an aggregator of online news and blogs, has recently kicked off our own blog ranking. Mashable has already positively acclaimed our new service (http://mashable.com/2007/12/11/wikio/) and blogs like The New York Times’ Freakonomics are rapidly adding badges featuring their Wikio ranking (http://freakonomics.blogs.nytimes.com/).

Our Top Blogs ranking features a bunch of different categories; for instance, the "Music" category where your blog "PowerPop" stands at number 43.

On Wikio Blogs, it’s also possible to review our Top Discussions (some of the most currently popular discussions of the blogosphere) about business, technology... and Music: http://www.wikio.com/blogs/music

So how does our Top Blogs ranking work?

The position of blogs in their Wikio ranking depends on the number and value of links that other blogs point toward them. The value of these links depends on the ranking of the blog publishing them. So in our algorithm, the value of a link published on a highly ranked blog is more important than a posted link on a blog with a lower ranking. This way, we hope to produce a ranking more representative of blogs’ influence.

If you’ve got any questions, please let us know! Check out our ranking by clicking directly on this link: http://www.wikio.com/blogs/top/music


Who knew?


  1. Woo hoo! When do I start receiving that steady stream of promos Steve? :o)

  2. Did you get the e-mail as well?

  3. Now that you're famous, don't forget the little people! *wink* I've linked to you, but sadly it was on a very small discussion forum (total membership: 56)

    Heh. The word verifaction was "eepapcy" - and you don't even have kittehs.

  4. Emma -- we thank you for the wonderful work you're doing.

  5. Hello!

    @Kid Charlemagne: I'm sorry but I contacted Steve exclusively! Next time, I'll send you the information too :p No jealous!


  6. Hey PowerPop is shooting up the charts with a bullet!
