Saturday, May 31, 2008

Saturday Encounter With Greatness

Corey Hart turns 46 today.

Who amongst us does not recall where we were when we first heard that song?

Seriously -- it occurs to me that there are actual living people whose nostalgia is Hart, Jack Wagner and Styx.

Sad, really.


  1. That would sort of be me, though you can leave Jack Wagner out of it, thank you very much.

    And as a Chicagoan, I grew up with Styx.

    Buckeye, Dealer of Rare Coins

  2. This YouTube wins the award for Most Over The Top Title Sequence by Someone Who Just Taped the Damn Thing Off His TV Set and Uploaded It To YouTube.

  3. What was Wagner's name on General Hospital? I want to say "Patch," but he was on Days of Our Lives...

  4. No, not Jack Wagner. Styx -- sure, I know people like that. Corey Hart -- yeah, I think that was the case of a receptionist at an old job of mine. Jack Wagner -- no, I will not believe that.

  5. I could take 53 seconds of the song before I had to turn it OFF!


  6. Jack Wagner was Frisco Jones.

    And I saw Corey Hart in concert in 1985.

    I am apparently the least cool man alive.

  7. Is Engleburt Humperdink worse?

    Or is it a wash?


  8. umm, I certainly don't recall where I was as the song meant nothing to me. I had to Google "Jack Wagner" as I had no idea who he was. I still don't! Watched a youtube clip of his "hit" (well,only 1/2 of it) and can't say I've ever heard it before! (I've always been quick on the dial when crap comes on so maybe I've heard a note or 2 before). Could not have told you who did "Dark Sunglasses".
    There! I've established I am an old fart!

  9. Can't make me click it! I refuse.

    ...But now the damn song is running thru my head anyway. Curses!

  10. Don't hate the player, hate the game..If you grew up near Chicago in the 70's, you went to just as many Styx shows as Cheap Trick shows, guaranteed !! All my Styx vinyl sits comfortably alongside my Raspberries, Badfinger, Big Star, Jellyfish, 20/20 vinyl. It is so !!
