Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Unbearable Whiteness of Being

Well, here's an interesting curiosity -- Brian Epstein boy toy Billy J. Kramer and the Dakotas in 1965 with a not bad version of Burt Bachrach's gorgeously mournful "Trains and Boats and Plains."

Dionne Warwick's 1966 American hit version of this is one of my favorite records of all time, but this less opulent guitar-driven take works surprisingly well, I think. It's worth noting, however, that the song's bridge -- which is far more harmonically complex than the verses -- is done here as an orchestral section sans lyrics. so as not to tax Kramer's less than stellar vocal abilities.

Incidentally, there's a clue to this weekend's Listomania hidden in here, but I can say no more.


  1. Songs featuring modes of transportation?

  2. 10 best Bachrach covers by a pop group?


  3. I have a great old record album (remember those?) called The Songs Lennon & McCartney Gave Away so of course Billy J. is well represented. Seems like in the beginning Brian Epstein's ambitions didn't extend any further than to be the next Larry Parnes (an English promoter who had a stable of manufactured boy singers with names like Johnny Gently).

  4. Anyway as to the Listomania --

    Lesser Known Covers of Songs That Predate the Hit Versions?

  5. As I said, I can say no more. There will be an official clue tomorrow, and until then it would be irresponsible of me to encourage speculation.

    Wait a minute -- I already did....

  6. plains or planes?
