Of course, let's not tell these guys, okay? It might sting a little. The whole Fair Use thing, and all that.
In any case, as always, a coveted PowerPop No-Prize will be awarded the first commenter who divines its relevance to tomorrow's Weekend Listomania.
U are a cruel, cruel man. Funny, but cruel.
ReplyDeleteAnd it would be unfair of me to guess this one ...
And this clip is from their most recent tour. Those little squares in the background, behind the stage, are individual tv screens.
ReplyDeleteI can say no more.
Top post-Beatles dropping of pitch in concert 'cause the geezers can't hit the high notes?
ReplyDeletePBR ('post-Beatles-record', not the cruddy beer) songs with/about lost and found?
ReplyDeleteA musical act quoting heavily from another musical act's catalog?
ReplyDeleteA super big musical act trying to bully a small independent act?
Most bloated musical acts?
Return of the Plumber
Best use of sampling? (I refer to Negativland, not Cher's ex-husband's namesake.)
ReplyDeletePBS (Post-Beatles Songs, not the TV station) featuring four or more of the following hyperactive activities: climbing, running, crawling, scaling, finding (not), looking, kissing, healing, burning, speaking, holding, believing, bleeding, breaking, loosening, carrying?
ReplyDeleteAll very good, and I'm definitely stealing the one about lost and found.
ReplyDeleteBut no.
Sorry, I've been hosed by somebody getting first thing out of the gate for like the last three weeks.
7 word+ song titles
ReplyDeleteHmm...another hint...
ReplyDeleteOkay, it's not about the song per se.
Best anthemically anthematic stadium-rock anthems?
ReplyDeleteOkay -- it's about your reaction to the song, not the song itself.
ReplyDeleteBut perhaps I've said too much...