Thursday, October 09, 2008

An Early Clue to the New Direction (Special Lord of the Dance Video Edition)

From who knows when, here's some dork spazzing out to Three Dog Night's 1973 hit "Shambala."

I actually really like this song, especially the backing track (the non-singers in Three Dog Night have always been underrated, I think) and I don't even mind that it's being flogged of late in a Michelob Pale Ale commercial.

In any case, as always, a coveted PowerPop No-Prize will be awarded to the first reader who divines its relationship to the theme of tomorrow's Weekend Listomania.

I'm not holding my breath, however. Heh heh heh...


  1. This song is also being used in some financial services commercial right now. The other night both commercials aired during the same show. You would think there would be some kind of exclusivity clause.

  2. And an ad for blood glucose monitoring.

    The hippie who wrote it is really cleaning up, one hopes.

  3. The sit back in your old rocking chair list of seven-shillings-a-week songs of Shangri-la, Atlantis, Woodstock, Strawberry Fields and the Marakesh Express and such so as to have in common some reference to some aspect of utopia, ironic or otherwise?

  4. Who am:

    That's an interesting approach. It isn't us, but it's an interesting approach.

    But the answer is, uh, no.

  5. Songs with nonsense titles?

    (Why do I even try, I never get these!)

  6. Steve: She's right! What are you trying to pull on me, Rococo??

  7. It's too early for a clue. As soon as Yom Kippur is over, I'll give you guys another hint...

  8. Songs rushed recorded and marketed to try to beat someone else's version of it?

  9. covers of songs that crossed genres/crossover hits? a texas fellow did this first, i think?

  10. Ms Rosa:

    Yep, there was a very nice version by B.W. Stevenson (the "My Maria" guy) earlier that year.

    Anyway, Yom Kippur is over, so here's a clue.

    It has something to do with the band's name.

  11. Bands with no rock-critic-cred that are actually pretty good?

  12. Band names and song titles with numbers in them.

  13. ... unless Yom Kippur was actually a clue, and that would mean ...

  14. Musical acts with animal references in the name?


    It is a pretty good song.


  15. CovetedNOPrizeWinnerWithOakLeafCluster said...
    Band names and song titles with numbers in them.

    No, but the number is the clue.
    By which I mean the number three is the clue.

  16. Songs by groups with three people in them?

    BTW, you do know Brian Wilson is the guy responsible for Three Dog Night? He signed them to Brother Records when they were still "Redwood" and recorded several numbers with them, including "Darlin'" and "Time to Get Alone," but the rest of the band stole the tapes, wiped the vocals and replaced them with their own.

    You know that, right?

  17. Also meant to mention: the rest of the Beach Boys hated Danny Hutton, because he and Brian used to smoke dope together. So instead of, at the very least, keeping what would become one of the biggest musical acts of the next decade on their label, Mike Love and the rest of the group fucked them over, thus depriving them of some much needed income that they would probably still be getting today.

  18. Dave -- I knew that Brian basically discovered them, but I had no idea about the internecine politics. God, Mike Love is a dick.

    But one last clue -- the number three, right? It has something to do with three albums...

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