Thursday, January 22, 2009

Why I'm Boycotting the Oscars This Year

Bruce Springsteen's magnificent title song for The Wrestler, perhaps his best work in years, did not get nominated for Best Original Song.

This is utterly inexplicable. To paraphrase Lou Reed's famous put-down of Lester Bangs, it goes beyond assholishness and into some kind of urinary tract.


  1. How long ago was it that the Oscars were about the work? Now they seem to be about some other agenda and not the body of work. That made them superfluous to me.


  2. Either they're tonedeaf and stupid -- which is certainly possible -- or there's some kind of anti-Mickey Rourke backlash involved.

    In any case, it's bizarre that Bruce didn't even get nominated.

  3. The Oscars are as ossified as NARAS has been for most of its existence.

    Because the only music worth appreciating in the 1960s was by Al Martino, Jerry Vale, and John Gary.

  4. Well, at least Peter Gabriel was nominated.

  5. Wait ... they only nominated three songs, and two are from "Slumdog Millionaire"? WTF??????

  6. And last year, nothing from "Walk Hard" got nominated, including Marshall Crenshaw's hilarious and brilliant title song.

    Something seriously wrong is going on there. Like all those years when Errol Morris never got nominated in the Best Documentary category.

  7. "Titanic" won Best Picture. Need we say more?

  8. Quite possibly the Academy is a sick and tired of Bruce Springsteen as am I. Good lord, how much major-key semi-pained groaning in 4/4 time are we supposed to endure?

  9. Noam Sane said...
    Quite possibly the Academy is a sick and tired of Bruce Springsteen as am I. Good lord, how much major-key semi-pained groaning in 4/4 time are we supposed to endure?

    See, now you're just being difficult for the sake of being difficult.

  10. I'm pretty amazed by it. I think the new CD is really strong, and "The Wrestler" by far, is the best thing on the record. Makes no sense.

  11. I'll bet not enough voting members of the academy heard the song. Walked out as the credits rolled in the theater. This is my first time hearing it. You can't vote for what you haven't heard.

    Wait, what the "F" am I talking about, it never stopped anyone before. I take it all back!


    Steve, it's a good song but I think you overrate it if you think it's great.
