Thursday, January 15, 2009

Yet Another Early Clue to the New Direction

From 1969, here's everybody's favorite possibly insane sister act The Shaggs with their, uh, I have no idea what the hell it is, "My Pal Foot Foot." Animation done years after the fact, of course, but I think it catches the spirit of the, uh, song, rather well, don't you?

As always, a coveted PowerPop No-Prize will be awarded to the first reader who gleans the clip's relevance to tomorrow's Weekend Listomania.

Not holding my breath, though.


  1. I guess songs that reference body parts other than the heart is too obvious, huh?

  2. The James Inkanish Memorial Crazy Hippie Edition!

  3. The Wonder What She’s Doing Tonight list of songs about the search for missing people, places, things, knowledge, faith, critters or chords?

  4. And still, they're hipper than Metallica.


  5. Noam Sane said...
    And still, they're hipper than Metallica.

    You've really got a hate jones for those guys, don't you?

    Not a criticism, just an observation....

  6. Oh...and in reply to the first three guesses:

    No, no and no.

  7. The Let's Go Riding in the Car-Car List of clever nonsense songs?

  8. Songs by bands that sound as if they're just picking up their instruments for the first time?

    Hey, which end do I hold?

    Or just songs about shagging.

    Oh, wait, they're all about shagging.

  9. The Rockpile List of One-Album Bands?

    The Kinks List of Bands with Siblings Amongst Them?

    The Pretenders List of Bands with At Least One Female Member?

  10. Songs that reference friendship, palship, stuff like that?

  11. Songs by bands with domineering parent-managers?

  12. Outsiders Rock & Roll.

    Music that makes the Resident sound good!!!!


  13. Songs so spectacularly bad one must play repeatedly to absorb the horror?

  14. Noam Sane said...
    And still, they're hipper than Metallica.

    Like that would be difficult...

  15. Okay, I'm really sorry.

    I think the connection here was a little....


    It's group harmony. Which there is here, if only to the extent the song is actually music. I think.

    I am ashamed....

  16. This week's Listomania subject pales in comparison to the song in the clue, and especially the marvy cartoon. I am one of those crazy folks who has listened to the Shaggs more times than I should be willing to admit. True idiot savants of rock'n'roll, bless their hearts.
