I've been posting Ernie Kovacs videos over at Box Office of late, and reader MBowen was just kind enough to point me to this wonderful tribute to the Great Man from what probably shouldn't have seemed a surprising source.
That's the Loud Family, whose 1994 debut, Plants and Birds and Rocks and Things, remains perhaps the closest that anyone in our lifetimes will come to an artistic equivalent of The White Album. In any case, I always knew LF honcho Scott Miller had good musical taste, but obviously he's just a smart guy period.
Note to self: Neither the Loud Family or Ernie Kovacs are exactly crowd pleasers.
ReplyDeleteAt least on Thursday.
Steve, big Loud Family fan and I've never seen this! Tanks!
ReplyDeleteI agree with Steve it's a great weird challenging album.
This is from the "difficult" third album, Interbabe Concern, made not long after long-time buddy/producer Mitch Easter snaked Miller's then-wife.
ReplyDeleteI always thought that "Lolita Nation" was his "difficult" LP.
ReplyDeleteLolita Nation was the "difficult" Game Theory album, Interbabe Concern is the "difficult" Loud Family album.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if it's because I actually came to The Loud Family first, but I prefer them to the previous Game Theory incarnations. I think Miller became a better singer over the years.
I have spent a lot of time listening to Game Theory, the Loud Family and Let's Active--although oddly, not much lately--and all I can say about the wife-swapping thing is jeez, she must have had a thing about guys with adenoidal voices.
ReplyDeleteAnd to think, I stopped telling people about my love for Game Theory because I was tired of the blank stares.