Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Give the Drummer Some

God, I've been waiting since forever for this clip to finally show up on YouTube.

From the early 90s, it's Tom Petty and Heartbreakers doing "You Don't Know What It's Like" on SNL.

With guest drummer Dave Grohl, late of some band whose name escapes me that changed music.

Does he kick, or what? Seriously -- the kid plays about a thousand times harder than any drummer Petty's ever had, and what a pleasure to see it.


  1. Thanks & it's sure terrific all right. I'd heard mention of this gig before but had never seen it.

  2. Steve, kudos to Dave Grohl for sure, but 'm a huge fan of Stan Lynch, TP&the H's original drummer, who wasn't a hard hitter but had much more of an individual style than the guy who replaced him. Dave is one hard hitter though--right up there with Bonzo from another band that got pretty big. Who else hits that hard?

  3. The flying hair, the madman smile, the flailing arms...truly a sight to behold...

    Paging Chris Gray! Paging Chris Gray!

  4. The real killer is "Honeybee" from the same show. Petty & co. did it on last year's tour...wicked.

  5. The real killer is "Honeybee" from the same show. Petty & co. did it on last year's tour...wicked.

  6. Obviously not entirely comfortable with this whole commenting thing. But that was worth posting twice.

  7. Dave:

    I'm a fan of Stan Lynch as well, and I don't think Grohl would fit in quite so well with a lot of Petty's other stuff.

    But this is a treat, I think.

  8. You know, I prefer the Foo Fighters to Nirvana. Color me lame, but I do not often need music with as much pain and heartache as Nirvana.


  9. " I prefer the Foo Fighters to Nirvana."
    Gosh, isn't that the '90s equivalent of preferring Wings to the Fab 4? In any case, I've had similar thoughts...

  10. I know David, but there it is.

    Wings doe NOT do it for me though!8)

