Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Left of the Dial (Part 2)

High-powered music biz maven Ron Fields (Christopher Guest) returns to the late night Progressive Trends show of unspeakably laid back FM-jock Mel Brewer (Bill Murray), with the news that whaling songs and the people that sang them are in the toidy.

His prediction for the next Next Big Thing? Single person star phenomenon...

"Take the J Train down to Houston will let you off in Jamaica."


  1. The Phantom Creep7/01/2009 1:33 PM

    Oh god, that Dylan parody is priceless.

  2. Hey, I thought I was the only person who owned this record! I put the great "History of Rock and Roll" bit up on my own blog -- I love that brief Beatles biography, for OBvious REAsons.

    "Hung like a Hebrew National"...gets me every damn time.

  3. No, he's dead in the bed. I'll take those rolls, please.
