Monday, September 07, 2009

Happy Labor Day!

And as we promised over at Friday's Listomania, here's the incomparable Big Daddy (from their 1988 debut album) doing a familiar John Williams movie theme as it might have been recorded in a collaboration between The Ventures and Duane Eddy.

This has absolutely no relevance to the holiday whatsoever, you understand -- I've just always gotten a kick out of the track and felt like sharing.

BTW, I just discovered that the rest of the album (which is equally inventive) can be downloaded (gratis!) over here.


  1. Quick correction, Steve - the first Big Daddy album was released in 1983, not 1988. I just found a site ( that has a full discography; check it out.

    Somewhere in there, the same team jumped on the Gregorian chant bandwagon and released the also-hilarious "Chantmania", credited to the Benzedrine Monks of Santo Domonica; not as funny as the Big Daddy discs but worth picking up if you find it in a discount bin or online.

  2. Cthulhu:

    You are indeed correct, and I regret the error.

    I actually have Chantmania somewhere...

    Maybe I'll put up their version of the Monkees theme tomorrow...
