Saturday, January 09, 2010

Happy Birthday!

We at PowerPop wish a very happy birthday to our regular commenter Libby: it's always good to see you, sister.

And for your present, some New Shoes! (Well, kinda.... I found this by accident the other day. Oh, the miracles of the internets!)


  1. Not as strong as the Cheap Trick original with Robin Zander's power vocals, nice attempt though.

    Hey, they're The Shoes, and that's what powerpop is all about. Nice find!

  2. Thanks so much Mary. Coolest birthday gift ever! *MWAH*

  3. Happy happy joy joy, Libby!!!!

    Nice clip, BTW....

  4. Great to see The Shoes are still out touring. Hopefully, they'll book some gigs in the the Chicago area soon.

  5. Well, this is from last year, Terry. (Note that pics from Japan comprise the video.) But we are quite hopeful that we'll get a book launch party show. Maybe.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Dayum! Half the reason I read this blog is for Shoes News! Well, almost half, anyway. Thankyou, Thankyou, Thankyou for finding this.
