Friday, February 19, 2010

The Weekend Listomania That Actually Wasn't

Okay, it pains me to say it but, despite the work ethic I have unaccountably developed in my Golden Years, I am just too busy (and feeling a little burned out) to get a Listomania together this week.


In its stead, however, I thought we might simply do the first-ever PowerPop Weekend Pop Poll©.

This week's topic: "Lady Gaga -- Symptom or Disease?"

Those of you who've already checked out my comments at the 2009 Village Voice critics hoo-hah know where I stand on the subject.

But now it's your turn to weigh in. As the kids say -- go for it!!!

And rest assured, a traditional Weekend Listomania will return next Friday.

[Shameless Blogwhore: I may have slacked off over here, but over at Box Office, which pays the bills, my Cinema Listomania is now up as usual. I realize this may be pushing my luck, but if you could see your way to going over there and leaving a comment, that would be swell. This week's theme -- Best or Worst Films About Revenge!!!]


  1. Oh, I get it, you're "Out of Time". Deuced clever, old chap.

  2. She doesn't have as bright a future in pornography as Sarah Palin does but, then, I like older women.

  3. I know I've become just another old fart, but that video was so awful on so many levels that I almost puked. We're doomed, for sure.

  4. Well, if we've got to have dance music divas, she's the first one since Madonna with an IQ above room temperature, but she doesn't have Madonna's creepy will to power. Lady Gaga is more like '70s Elton John - making with the crazy costumes because it's fun.

  5. The music is completely tepid to me. Her voice is somewhat expressive, but I hear no emotion, no there there.

    For this type of music I far prefer Lights.


  6. This Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta is no Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone.

  7. Jesus - overdramatize much???

    This probably looked like a great idea to the other girls in 7th grade, but it hasn't aged well...

  8. She makes (phony) love with vinyl gloves on. And I should find this hot ... why, exactly?

    Madonna with all the ego but without the wit. And I don't think Madonna is hot, either, btw.

    Beyond awful.

  9. "Lady Gaga is more like '70s Elton John - making with the crazy costumes because it's fun."

    Except Elton had some decent songs and his live shows, by all accounts, were awesome.

  10. "I don't think Madonna is hot, either, btw."

    I agree, Mistress!

  11. Speaking of Elton John - he and Bernie T. have been writing with (ready?) Leon Russell and supposedly the record will be out this year.

    I've had no difficulty avoiding Gaga Woman, outside of knowing her name I know nothing about her or her music. I will say that Madonna has produced absolutely nothing of cultural value, ever. I assume Gaga is on the same page, but will be happy to be surprised some day. Not holding my breath.

    I do like that Scissors Sisters song "Filthy Gorgeous". Just to end on an up note.

  12. I will say that Madonna has produced absolutely nothing of cultural value, ever.

    I liked "Borderline".

  13. I saw her for the first time at the last music award show and was thinking exactly what BG said. Fake Madonna, only even worse than the original. For the record, I never liked Madonna either, or found her sexy, but I do give her some credit for pushing the limits of her times.

  14. Lady Gaga- Symptom or Disease? I think it's more like a horrible musical plague if you ask me.

  15. Well, apparently we have reached concensus! A rarity these days.

  16. I'd probably go more with symptom--the disease being commercial pop radio. Personally, I don't find Gaga to be any worse than anything else out there on the commercial XM stations I'm often forced to endure, and actually miles more bearable than your garden variety emo bands. That said, music is generally the first line of discussion regarding her--which, considering she is named after one of the more ridiculous songs by Queen, should not come as any surprise.

  17. Jeez, I'm almost 52 and the rest of you sound like cranky old farts.

    Again, if we're stuck with a bunch of dance divas, I'll settle for one who makes references to MGM musicals, Hitchcock, Orson Welles, and David Lynch in her videos as opposed to goddamn Pariah Scary (h/t Michael Stipe) or Ke$hia or whatever else you want to put up.

  18. And one more thing...if you're going to link to your other blog, do you think that you could manage to make it actually safe for people with less-than-optimum virus protection to visit?

  19. Brooklyn Girl2/19/2010 10:57 PM

    Again, if we're stuck with a bunch of dance divas, I'll settle for one who makes references to MGM musicals, Hitchcock, Orson Welles, and David Lynch in her videos as opposed to goddamn Pariah Scary (h/t Michael Stipe) or Ke$hia or whatever else you want to put up.

    That's not necessarily her ... that's just as likely her director.

  20. I'd just like to say that if I ever catch the fucker who stole my copy of the Rolling Stones Metamorphosis, featured in the post below, I will string them up in Central Park during the next Giuliani campaign rally.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.
