Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Read it in the Times

Take THAT, Mike Conklin!

he choice made literal what was implicit throughout this often impressive festival: The pop ethic, survivor of many iterations, is mutable and agnostic and unembarrassed.

The fourth annual NYC Popfest, which ran from Thursday through Sunday, consisted of five showcases featuring more than 30 bands, mostly those that adhered to a few key tenets: summery, lo-fi, melodic, twee, nonconfrontational. This was indie-pop in the vein of the late 1980s through the mid-’90s, a mode that has been creeping back into fashion as part of a broader full-scale pop revivalism in indie rock.

Who needs to be hip when you're having fun?

1 comment:

  1. "There's an appalling lack of humor and realism in today's pop music."

    Nick Lowe, some time in the late 70s.
