Thursday, January 20, 2011

An Early Clue to the New Direction: Those Fabulous '80s!

A news flash and a shameless blogwhore:

There will in fact be a traditional -- musical rather than cinema -- Weekend Listomania tomorrow. I think I'm going to alternate them for the forseeable future, which has the dual benefit of a) justifying the video companies still sending me cool DVDs and Blu-rays and b) helping me avoid burnout.

More to the point, the clue itself can be found over at the sort-of official website of 80s pop combo The Floor Models. Yes, the masses demanded such a site, and who am I to deny them?

In any case, said clue resides in the most recent blogpost over there, the one entitled "What Will the Goyim Think?" Although I will admit this one is a bit of a reach.

In any case, as always, a coveted PowerPop No-Prize will be awarded the first reader who gleans its relevance to the theme of tomorrow's Weekend Listomania.


  1. Songs that reference national anthems?

  2. It's a lot more general.

    A lot more.

  3. Eva Marie Saint?


  4. I was dismayed to find a Floor Models on Facebook, self described as "dubstep techno."

    That said, I have no idea. :)

  5. More general? OK. Songs

  6. Trust me -- the clue's even more bogus.

    Hey, I'm out of practice...
