Thursday, January 13, 2011

Perils of the Jungle

Drat -- when I posted that Johnny G song the other week, I knew I was missing a great Compare and Contrast.

In any case, from 1991 and his quite wonderful first solo album, please enjoy Lindsey Buckingham and his glorious ode to....

...well, "Bwana."

I have a tendency to forget just what a goddamned pop genius Buckingham can be, but jeez -- this record just cracks me up on a million levels. And I never thought I'd say this, but it's really a shame there wasn't an official video to go with it. Preferably animated.


  1. Ummm. 1981, right? Unless the senility has caught up with me, too.

  2. Steve Simels1/13/2011 8:11 AM

    You are, of course, correct.

    I regret the error. The frightening thing is that I don't remember listening to this back then, or in any other medium than CD.


  3. I don't remember listening to this either. And I just did.

    Trey 8)

  4. I VAGUELY remember it, but I don't remember it being that far back. Of course, I don't remember most things as being that far back.

  5. The instrumentation on this is great and so different from the ubiquitous chorus/flanger effects of the time. The solo sounds like a kazoo on crack. Somebody should have put this guy in the studio with Brian Wilson.


  6. actually, Mac's whole "Mirage" album from the same period (1982) is their Brian Wilson tribute.
