Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Honesty in Animal Husbandry

Okay, I'm acutely aware -- as I've noted here on numerous occasions -- that the name of this blog is PowerPop, not Pissed-Off Leftist, and out of a decent respect for the views of some of our faithful readers I try to limit expressions of my occasional righteous indignation over current events in the non-musical precincts of the world to a minimum.

That said, today I'd simply like to post my favorite crudely lettered sign from the recent protests in Madison.

And while I can't speak to the literal accuracy of the above statement, I will add this about the deeply cynical and deeply evil governor of Wisconsin -- it is extremely irksome that he has the same name as, and thus might be unfairly mistaken for, one of the truly great artists of our time.


  1. that the name of this blog is PowerPop, not Pissed-Off Leftist


  2. I don't know about the literal accuracy either, but I understand a goat was spotted outside the governor's mansion the other day waving a twenty-dollar bill.

  3. Best songs about bestiality? Oh, sorry, i thought this was a Lisztomania clue.

  4. Blue Ash Fan2/23/2011 11:06 AM

    That $20 had damn well better not have come out of the Wisconsin state coffers.

    Something tells me Wisconsin's fine governor is familiar with a broad array of barnyard denizens.

    No need to apologize, Steve. Sometimes you just gotta call these bastards out. Frankly, I think you were too kind.

    Word verification: warphoo. Seems strangely appropos.

  5. This sicko governor is bad for our blood pressure, not to mention the future of humanity. A good antidote might be (a) read the Huffington Post account of how he was punked by an editor pretending to be evil right-wing nut case billionaire David Koch, (b) read the great and revelatory link Steve posted about (the original) Scott Walker, (c) listen to original version of The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine Anymore, and (d) listen to Marshall Crenshaw's version (if anyone finds it, please post the link), and (3) remind ourselves that sicko politicos are a dime a dozen, but great pop artists are eternal.


  6. Brooklyn Girl2/23/2011 12:19 PM

    Well, that would explain why he's cross-eyed ... :-)

  7. We actually prefer Palin.

    She has less razor stubble.

  8. It may or may not be true, but we would be irresponsible not to speculate.

    As for Scott Walker (not the evil one,) I never got it. What am I missing? It's all very MOR-ish. Just, like, my opinion, man.

  9. Noam Sane - I was just about to ask the same question! I have a high tolerance for MOR, sunshine pop, etc., but I don't get Scott Walker or the Walker Brothers. Just a couple of smooth baritones who only might be interesting if there had never been a Righteous Bros.

  10. Brooklyn Girl2/23/2011 3:05 PM

    The musician Scott Walker is actually very, very interesting. Turned his back on fame to become a solo artist.

  11. dig the "new civility".

  12. democrats are cowards.

  13. Brooklyn Girl2/24/2011 4:02 PM

    Anonymous said...

    democrats are cowards.

    Says someone who can't even come up with a pseudonym.
