Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Nobody Sings Dylan Like Dylan

From 1969, the most surreal cover of "I Shall Be Released" ever.

Now that I mention it, perhaps the most surreal cover of ANYTHING ever.

[h/t Steve Schwartz]


  1. Were any hostages harmed?

  2. Damn, that sounds/looks familiar.

    What show is that from, I bet I saw it.

    Pretty much the whole hippie folk goddess pantheon right there.

    Forget the appropriateness factor, they sound amazing together; shame they never made an album.

  3. What's so surreal about it? Seems perfect 1969 reality to me.

  4. A quick check of the intarwebs shows this is likely The Mama Cass Television Program from 1969. Special guest stars: from tv's Mission: Impossible, Barbara Bain! And funnyman Buddy Hackett!

  5. Considering the alimony burden he had to look forward to, the song was prescient.

    RIP, Prof. Rotolo.


  6. Wow, Cass Elliot could sing.


  7. The past, current and future goddess's of folk-rock together on one stage.

  8. Karatist Preacher3/02/2011 6:33 PM

    I kinda liked it.

  9. C'mon, it was wonderful. It's not like Buddy Hackett came out and joined in. (Sure wish they'd broken out in some girl group covers, though.)

  10. When Mama and Joni reared back their heads & then bowed them there at the end I was a little worried they were going to bonk 'em together Three Stooges style.

    Man did you catch Joni just ripping on Dylan a couple months ago in some interview -- Rolling Stone maybe? Dunno what he did, but he sure did SOMETHING to piss her off.

  11. Who Am Us --
    She was accusing him of plagiarism. And he's guilty as sin. But he steals trash as well as diamonds, and then conjures something wholly new out of thin air. All criticism of Dylan is valid, and only most praise.
