Monday, June 06, 2011

Happy Birthday: TWILLEY Edition!

Many happy returns to Dwight Twilley, who's been kicking ass and taking names for close to 40 years, keeping the pop flame alive when no one else was. Thanks, man!

Buy Twilley and yourself a present! The reviews were great! (And Kid C totally recommends.)


  1. Always one of my favorite pop guys from way back, ever since the first LP.

  2. It's a shame Twilley partner Phil Seymour isn't around for the festivities. Another one who died way too damn young...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Happy Birthday Dwight! Best rock'n'roll ever to make its way out of Tulsa. And indeed, Green Blimp is a killer release.

  5. Killer tune, NYM. I didn't realize that was Twilley.

  6. Twilley's "You Were so Warm" kinda ruined my life for a while by melting and re-melting my heart for the wrong girl. But, man, great song. Great songwriter.
