Wednesday, November 02, 2011

There'll Always Be a France (Part Deux)

Still decompressing from jetlag occasioned by my recent return from the land of the Ignoble Frog, but until regular posting resumes I thought I'd share something I stumbled upon at the fabulous Pompidou Center in Paris while waiting to get into the Edvard Munch show.

From 1963, please enjoy Roger and his Son by remarkable Polish-French modernist Balthus.

And then tell me the son in the painting doesn't look disturbingly like this MTV icon.

Seriously, I have no idea if Mike Judge had this painting in mind when he created Beavis and Butthead, but the resemblance strikes me as too close to be an accident.

I should also add that there actually is another rock-and-roll connection with this painting -- Bono (yes him) sang at Balthus' funeral. Go figure.


  1. Testing!!!


  2. Brooklyn Girl11/02/2011 10:41 PM

    While this painting has a disturbing unfinished quality to it, Balthus was actually a superb painter.

  3. I kinda liked Balthus a lot when I was in college, then decided he was kinda creepy. Of course, maybe that was his intent all along.

