Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Unsolicited Track of the Day: (An Occasional Series)

Got this via e-mail and laughed out loud.
Dear Steve,

Firstly, we write to you from chilly London, mind and limbs gripped by the late evening freeze. We apologise if our coherence staggers somewhat.

And now; belated greetings from The Shamefaced Sparrows. The story so far;

Having recently fled our bone-‘n’-carcass-made nest in Shithole, East Midlands, we have fluttered and soared through increasingly glum and greying skylines. With ascending eagerness and hope, we scoured the grim landscape, determined to espy a never-fading, ever-blooming Eden.

We found Hackney.

Still, what can you do?

So, wing-clipped and bound in the bowels of Dalston we find ourselves. And it is here two gutter-sparrows combine the savage sonics of Link Wray with the melodic guile of the French Ye-Ye girls. If that sounds like a fanciful notion; consider the dynamics of both: Youthful, Exuberant, Joyous, Dangerous, Daring and Sexy.

You know, the good stuff.
We only ask of you a few minutes of ear-cocked concentration. Thank you, and enjoy.
Fortunately, I actually dug the music they enclosed with it.

Link Wray meets Ye-Ye indeed. And it made me laugh even harder than the e-mail.

There's more over here if the above tickled you as much as it did me.

1 comment:

  1. Billy Sol Hurok2/22/2012 9:56 AM

    I can almost see the credit sequence of the movie this will someday play in the background of.

    Pardon my grammar, but you get the point.
