Friday, April 27, 2012

Casual Fridays Slacker Pop Quiz

Question: Has there ever been a snazzier dressed and generally just cool-looking rock band than The Byrds, circa 1965-66?

If for no other reason than Mike Clarke's suede jean jacket. And that tie. And that haircut.



  1. Crosby might be the exception. It's obvious that he loves that elfin poncho, but there must have been something else that fit him.

  2. Anonymous is right about Crosby. He's the sore thumb the qualifier.
    McGuinn and those glasses are iconic.
    Michael Clark has a good Brian Jones going on.

  3. A little more study has revealed Crosby's likeness of Frodo.

  4. I was going to comment about Crosby, but I see other people are all over it. I wonder if that thing was machine washable or if it had to be dry-cleaned. Or maybe it just smelled.

  5. anyone ever notice the YouTube clip where McGuinn and Crosby exchanged outfits? Set You Free This Time, on Hullaballoo. Crosby wears the glasses and 12-string, McGuinn has the cape and Gretsch. These guys could be both pretty and funny.


  6. Hillman had to iron his hair the first couple of years.

  7. that top picture looks too posed. That's not the "real" Hillman or Gene Clark. They were country boys now told to comb down their bangs (or iron their hair) and look tough.

    Folkies pressed into the service of rock and roll, straining.

    "Just get an electric guitar....."

  8. I'm betting the elfin smock is polyester.

  9. Crosby always looked like he was full of #$%^ when he was in the Byrds. The little smirk he has on his face is cute.

  10. Well said Billy B. I like to imagine that Crosby would cop to that statement!

