Monday, May 07, 2012

Beyond the Valleys of the Canyons of Your Mind

And speaking as we were the other day of David Marks, a/k/a The Briefest Beach Boy, here he is in 1967 doing business as The Moon (not, if truth be told, the greatest band name in rock history) with the surprisingly aptly titled "Pleasure."

While, as you can hear, it obviously lacks that certain je ne sais quoi that truly says I don't know what (i.e., hit potential), it nonetheless is a very nice piece of period psychedelic pop in the vein (as pointed out by reader buzzbabyjesus, who turned me on to it) of The Monkees and The Zombies circa Odessey and Oracle.


  1. I like the idea of psychedelia more than the reality. This tune is perfectly good, but after about four of them I start to get a toothache.

  2. Boy, I hope that wasn't a promo pic for the band. Talk about a career killer if it was...

    I have an odd relationship with psychedelia: I find I enjoy more modern takes on it (like The Pillbugs) than the stuff that actually came out in the 60s. If I don't hear another "raga" 60's psych song, it'll be too soon.

    That said, this was a "nice" song, but instantly forgettable...

  3. Sounds like Jon Anderson's gig before Yes as lead singer! I have a soft place in my heart for this sort of pap right along the soft spot for surf music.


  4. There are so many songs like this -- some great elements, some elements that are just okay, nothing truly horrible. But in the end it just doesn't hold together enough to make you want to hear it again and again and again. Instead, it makes me want to seek out the songs it aims to be -- you know, the ones that are memorable.

  5. This strikes me in the same way as the "Butterfly" period Hollies. Nice harmonies, easy listening psych trimmings, but no meat. I dearly love King Midas in Reverse but honestly, there is a lot of 60s psych that could be blamed for inventing bubblegum.

  6. Which one is David Marks?

  7. pete said...

    Which one is David Marks?

    The guy on the right.

    As you can see from this amazing clip in 1962, he had the rock star guitar guy attitude almost from birth.
