Friday, December 07, 2012

It's Dutch Invasion Week: Finale -- The Edam Stands Alone!!!

From 1972, and their fabulous "Live in Japan" album, please enjoy much-beloved of me Dutch rockers The Shocking Blue and their apparent PowerPop crowd pleaser "Hot Sand."

I first learned of the existence of this LP from a brief mention in one of the American record trade mags circa 1973, long after the group had broken up and even longer after it became apparent that nothing they had recorded (besides the album featuring "Venus") was ever going to be released in the States.

I tried to track it down for years, literally -- haunting record stores on the occasion of a mid-70s vacation in Spain, trying to deal with Dutch record dealers via highly expensive trans-continental phone calls in the 90s, etc. All to no avail.

So you can imagine my reaction when I chanced across a download link to it two years ago; in the words of Shakespeare, I plotzed.

You can also imagine my delight when it turned out the album was also really, really good.


  1. I am boycotting today because you bailed on Mouth & McNeal to finish off the week.

    "How Do You Do?" has not left my brain since reading about it.

  2. Jai Guru Dave12/07/2012 12:15 PM

    And you seem to have conveniently forgotten about Dutch elm disease! What? Are we supposed to just forgive them for that??

  3. and what about zvarte piet? not to mention the dutch rudder...

  4. And "Dutch Treat" is no treat at all.

  5. we (siblings and I) always flipped our 45's and "Hot Sand" is an all-time favorite. Love her tortured English.

  6. dutch courage, dutch uncle, dutch rub, dutch wife, dutch comfort...what the hell is it with those dutch?
