Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Logrolling in Our Time (An Occasional Series)

From sometime in the early '90s, please enjoy my old chums The Rock Club with the effervescently McCartney-esque power pop gem "She's Alright."

Sung by the song's composer, the equally effervescent Ronnie D'Addario.

From the band's delightful CD Wet Money.

And may I say, and for the record, that...
"All of her girlfriends hate me
They all call me a creep and a jerk..." one of the greatest opening lines in the history of the popular music field.

I should also add that these guys are still performing live in the New York area, although -- alas -- they haven't made an album since.

They did, however, contribute a terrific cut to the still available Raspberries tribute album Raspberries Preserved, which definitely behooves behearing.


  1. As per usual, great unheralded stuff, Steve.

    Here in Backwater, PA, I am planning on hitting a gig in a week or two with a group called Split Squad. It includes the amazing Clem Burke, Keith Streng (Fleshtones,) and Plimsouls gitster Eddie Munoz, among others. If it behooves further behearing, I will speak up.

  2. Clem Burke???

    I want extensive video footage....

  3. Blue Ash Fan4/25/2013 8:36 AM

    I found this CD in a used book store about 15 years ago. I think I paid $3 for it. But here was the weird part: I actually went to that used book store looking for this very CD. And they had it! I mean, what are the frickin' odds?

  4. Did these guys to "Time Will Tell" on Yellow Pills comp? That's an incredible song.
